"ms. gernes, i just love you." ~k, solemnly shaking her tri-ponytailed head
"get out of my face." ~d
"i'm sorry, ms. gernes. would you like a hug, a handshake, or a high five?" ~d, 5 minutes later.
"a hug." ~me
"lanysha, you need to do your work. now." ~me
"i'm is fittin' to!" ~ l
"we say 'i am' at school. 'i'm is' is not a sentence!" ~ 5 other exasperated 6-year-olds
"my name is jiovanna. i liv in sunfliwr, mrs. spe." ~j, writing to 4th graders in iowa
"dear class, please be nice to ms. gernes and mrs. mickey. you is good. i love you. that go for you all." ~a
"ooh! yes! celery! celery is my favorite vegetable!" ~s, eyes aglow
"i know i can be what i want to be. if i work hard at it, i'll be where i want to be" ~nas. and my little ones.
we like to rap.
d had an existential crisis today. he is afraid to be seven tomorrow.
what a world. what a day.