Sunday, February 25, 2007

beet juice

last april marie and abbie found a book about some juice fast/detox thing. i remember abbie making a huge batch of this green goo that actually tasted delicious. according to the book i was only supposed to have that juice for breakfast and later only that juice all day. i'd drink my juice and i'd think about an english muffin slathered in butter and honey, or the banana pancakes from lou henris, and i'd despise my little glass of green juice. while in negril, on the other hand, i fell madly in love with beet juice. i drank it three times a day, many times accompanying banana pancakes. this is my apology to the green juice that really was tasty and i'm sorry that i despised you.


marie said...

wait... is that slushie-looking goodness really beet juice?

i remember trying desperately not to eat after the green elixir of raw food glory (or whatever it was called.) i usually caved into yogurt or co-op brownies. usually brownies.

Abbie said...

do you have your own juicer or did you buy this red elixir? how manys days is this regiment?

ananda : sanskrit for bliss said...

no, it was on the yoga retreat. i think they just made the beet juice in a blender. it wasn't a regiment. i just drank it with breakfast and lunch.

Abbie said...

got it :)