to borrow a title for this week.... eat, pray, love.
first, two moments of quiet on a warm february day.
daffodils came up in the delta this week, yellow after the gray.
now for introductions to some of the people i spend my days with.
when she grows up, S wants to be a "ballet." she has an ear and an eye for these things, this dance of life. her mom wants her to make some money, though, so she's revised her life plan to include being a teacher. she can always dance at home.
R signs everything "love tony" just so everyone always knows that he loves his little brother. he throws an average of 3 tantrums a day, during which his lower lip sticks out so far it looks like a heart. his smile lights up the room when he wants it to. he has a grizzly bear growl of a voice and a donald duck laugh.
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