i'm counting down the days and yet i'll miss these fourteen little people all summer long. and then have to brainwash a whole new set in august.
no more daily K hugs. K, who will sneak up to me with a fist and big eyes. "ms. gernes, i got something for you. it's from your mom." and then blow a kiss straight at my cheek. i catch kisses from her dad, too. he came to school one day to visit, a big man with deep careful eyes and a hesitant smile. she read to him. they glowed.
and no more J, who was born blind and addicted to heroin but now reads and writes on a second-grade level, and has adopted every stuffed animal in the library as her babies.
but no more D, who reminds me daily that my patience is limited no matter how much i try to be a kindergarten yogi. he's the one in the picture who is tall (he's 7) and looking up. always looking, that one. often banging his head against something, too.
no more A, though, to remind me "ms. gernes, i think you need to take a deep breath" while moving her hands like she's smoothing a sand castle.
i am lucky to work with these people. and to get paid to go on ladybug parades.
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